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Supercharge your Documents

Get most accurate lead insights on any device

Real-time Notifications

Real-time Notifications

Know as soon as your documents are opened and see their engagement in real-time.

Time your Sales Call

Time your Sales Call

Instant notification helps you get the time of lead engagement which helps in timing your sales pitch.

Works Anywhere

Works Anywhere

Anyone can view your documents without any compatibility issues, no matter what device they use.

Document Performance Analytics

Document Performance Analytics

See how well your content is performing overall with engagement and drop-off reports.

Lead Insights

Lead Insights

Capture viewer details, know what they’re interested in, how interested they are and when do they download the document.

7Targets Integration

7Targets Integration

Send your viewers engagement and information directly to 7Targets AI Sales Assistant.

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Core features

Gain the insight and control you need to close more deals

Understand your prospects real engagement

Understand your prospects real engagement

Know who opens your documents, what pages they read and whether they download it to so you can gauge their interest.

Intelligently engage your customers and close deals

Intelligently engage your customers and close deals

Know when to reach out and what to talk about, so you can take the right action and keep your deals moving forward.

Simple and Straightforward

Easily manage, upload and track documents in a user friendly way

Select a Plan

Meet our pricing plan

For Advanced Users

For Advanced Users

  • Can generate a unique shareable link for uploaded document
  • Unlimited Views tracked for a document.
  • Guranteed accuracy of the document tracking.
  • Email Support
  • Phone support for quick resolution of query 24/7

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What client say about us

Customer testimonial

DocuLens has helped me to get more insights from my documents. Now I dont send attachments anymore. I just attach the DocuLens sharing link and I am good to go.

Dipak Wani

Dipak Wani


It is so simple, document can be opened from anywhere, even from mobile, and still it gives the best insights.

Yash Karwa

Yash Karwa


At first I was not sure about DocuLens, I was not sure about the security and privacy of documents, but I uploaded a few anyway. I was quite started to see how secure the whole system and document sharing was.

Sanju Burkule

Sanju Burkule


OMG! It is still unbelievable how accurate the insights are.

GG Nagarkar

GG Nagarkar


Now I know what my prospects have read from the brochure, I am all set for the meeting.

Vijay Roy

Vijay Roy

@Applied AI Consulting

This is the most user friendly and straight forward product I have used. Just Upload and share.

Gaurav Ashtikar

Gaurav Ashtikar

@Applied AI Consulting

DocuLens has helped me to get more insights from my documents. Now I dont send attachments anymore. I just attach the DocuLens sharing link and I am good to go.

Dipak Wani

Dipak Wani


It is so simple, document can be opened from anywhere, even from mobile, and still it gives the best insights.

Yash Karwa

Yash Karwa


At first I was not sure about DocuLens, I was not sure about the security and privacy of documents, but I uploaded a few anyway. I was quite started to see how secure the whole system and document sharing was.

Sanju Burkule

Sanju Burkule


OMG! It is still unbelievable how accurate the insights are.

GG Nagarkar

GG Nagarkar


Frequently Ask Question

Ask your question and meet

open iconHow secure are the pdf files kept in DocuLens?
Although we have tried to make it safe, we dont advise to put sensitive documents here. Use it more for getting insights into your public marketing material.
close iconCan anyone else apart from client access it?
Anyone with the document sharing link can access the document.
close iconAre my documents encrypted?
Documents are encrypted using the AWS S3 encryption policy.
close iconHow do we get the documents on doculens?
Signup on After login, you will see a 'Upload button'. You can get your documents on doculens using this 'Upload button'.
close iconCan I use DocuLens links on WhatsApp or on Website?
You can use DocuLens document sharing link anywhere as far as user is able to access the link. It can be on any social media platform or you company website.
close iconIs it only for .pdf format or any format is allowed?
It is only pdf format. You hahe to convert your documents into pdf before uploading. Word->Save as pdf PPT->Save as pdf first, then upload
close iconCan I set up a link so it does not ask email address? How?
You already know the email address to whom you are sending a document. You dont want your DocuLens to again ask email address. DocuLens link end with ?email= Put an email address of the person you are sending this document to at the end of this link. This way DocuLens won't prompt for an email address. Another way to prevent DocuLens from asking email address is add '[email protected]' at the end of this shared link. In this case, you want to know who opened the document. You will know which pages were seen for how many seconds.
close iconFor how long, can the documents be tracked?
Once the pdf is in Doculens, you can track it for any number of years, till your account is active.
close iconCan I get refund?
No, we dont offer any refund.
close iconCan I change my plan?
Yes, plan can be changed anytime. Just contact [email protected]
close iconHow to stop my plan?
Just write an email to [email protected]
close iconWhich cloud is used for DocuLens?
For DocuLens we are using AWS cloud for storing and processing of docuemnts.

Do you have any question? Please ask here we ready to support

If your question is not list here, please feel free to make a manual support.

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